Thermometer - Indoor & Outdoor

by Trajkovski Labs



Classic room Celsius / Fahrenheit indoor & outdoor virtual thermometer

Thermometer app measures the ambient room temperature or outside temperature acquired by your local meteorological station*.If features real vintage thermometer look with analog and digital readout, Celsius and Fahrenheit scale and Indoor / Outdoor option.It also has an animated weather background option showing the current weather conditions outside. NOTE: Thermometer can measure and display the ambient temperature in which your device is, however very few devices have dedicated ambient temperature sensor so on most devices the measured and displayed temperature is the temperature of the devices internal electronics or battery and this is the same to the actual ambient temperature only if the device was long time on stand-by so the only correct way to know the actual ambient temperature is to start this app right after you wake your device that has been sitting on standby for at least an hour.This limitation is not apps fault and by using this method you can measure the actual ambient room temperature to an accuracy of a degree.*Outdoor temperature and weather information is provided by the Meteorologisk institutt of Norway NRK weather web service accessible at YR.NOV3.2 changes: New analog thermometer cases.

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Diana Daiana

यह एप बहुत अच्छा और टिकाऊ है जिस इस किसी भी प्रकार का मौसम देखा जा सकता है


RajaRaja Ehtrsfdtdxtdzfszsrzgxhcgxtstsdtzzsdydtdtxydtdtszrztdyvydtstdytsrststxtdtdtxtdycycycucucuvucgxyxt C ,vxx azcjivtsxcychfud naalaikku super Nalla irukku super Ydydfyfhdffcxxfxfx

Raja Raja


shakeel shaku


Jane Alom

Plain and simple. Inside/indoor thermometer doesn't work. Tried several times, for several days in my bedroom, but it keeps saying 30.2C or higher, while I'm literally freezing my a$$ off. 100% garbage app. Deleted.

X. Y.

Shows incorrect inside temperature

Prashant Kumar

Very goog useful apl

Ashok Patil

Good app for kids

maryam salman

Bad ap

Yousaf Waqar